Grub Worms - The "Root" Cause of Turf Disease
There are many insects that eat the top portion (blade) of our lawns. In these cases, the root and crown of the plant are strong enough for the plant to recover. Not so with grub worms!
The grub is the larval stage of many beetles, such as the Japanese Beetle. Adult beetles lay their eggs, which then hatch into grub worms, usually around early August. If you have noticed a large population of adult beetles feeding on your landscape plantings in June and July, odds are your lawn may become infested with grubs.
Once hatched, the grub develops quickly, as it eats the root system of your lawn. Because grubs feed during the heat of summer, when heat is high and rainfall is low, grass is already under stress. Therefore, once the root is compromised by the grub, the upper portion of the plant dies. The now dead turf can be picked up in big, brown clumps. Reseeding of the lawn in fall will then become a necessity to reestablish the lost turf.
Avoid unnecessary grub damage! Both preventative and curative products are available should your lawn become susceptible to grubs. All grub-control products must be watered into the soil profile for maximum effectiveness. Contact your lawn care provider for further details.